The Latah County Sheriff Patrol Division is dedicated to increasing public safety by creating safe neighborhoods and public places. Deputies in the Patrol Division are responsible for responding to calls for service from the public, investigating crimes, investigating vehicle crashes, and enforcement of traffic laws. The Patrol Division consist of three Sergeants, three Corporals, and fifteen Deputies.
The Patrol Division provides police services to all unincorporated areas of Latah County. We are also contracted to provide law Enforcement services to the incorporated cities of Potlatch, Bovill, Deary, Troy, Kendrick, Juliaetta, and Genesee.
Uniformed Patrol Deputies actively patrol approximately 1100 square miles, and nearly 1200 miles of county roads and state highways, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The Latah Regional SWAT Team is also part of the Patrol Division. The Latah Regional SWAT team is a joint venture with the Moscow Police Department. The team handles hazardous situations that are beyond the normal duties of patrol deputies, investigators, or outside agencies who request assistance. These situations require the need for special tactics, equipment, and/or weapons for a safe resolution.
The Latah Regional SWAT Team was established to provide specialized support in handing critical field operations where intense negotiations and special tactical methods are required.
Some situations that may call for SWAT Team response are:
The goal of the SWAT Team is the safe resolution of a high-risk incident with no injury to hostages, uninvolved citizens, law enforcement officers or suspects.
Latah County Sheriff’s Office Detectives are specially trained to initiate and conduct investigations. The Division uses specialized investigation equipment and evidence collection techniques. Detectives can respond using a mobile crime scene trailer to enhance their ability to conduct the best investigation possible.
The Investigations Division consists of one Detective Sergeant, one Detective Corporal, one narcotics Detective, and one general Detective. Crimes typically investigated by Detectives include: homicide, assaults, domestic violence, sex crimes, crimes against children, theft, fraud, burglary, and illegal drugs.
The Training Division consists of one patrol Sergeant whose duties include scheduling/locating/recommending/hosting necessary training, while also maintaining the Sheriff’s Office training records. The Training Sergeant also acts as the court Bailiff for District court among multiple other duties.