To encourage recycling Latah maintains a drop-off recycling program. When the boxes contain non-recyclable items they must be shipped 200 miles away at $100.26 a ton. All commercial accounts are asked to haul recyclables to the Moscow Recycling Center and residents with a large load of recyclables, especially the cardboard. Rural Recycling boxes are serviced every Friday and items accepted do not need to be sorted. Please use the boxes respectfully, remove all unaccepted items, plastic packaging, flatten boxes and to prevent littering do not leave items on the ground. Your cooperation and being a good recycler is much appreciated, thank you.
Deary: Line St near bulky waste site.
Genesee: On Morscheck Rd (next to Bulky Waste Site)
Juliaetta: 3rd & Railroad.
Kendrick: 8th & Railroad St, by yard waste bin
Potlatch: City Hall parking lot.
Troy: Hwy 8, Sunset Mart Lot.