District Court

There is a District Court in each of the 44 counties of the state. These courts are divided into seven judicial districts with four to ten counties in each district. Latah County is one of five counties which comprise the Second Judicial District. District Court is divided into two sections, the District Court and the Magistrate Division. District Judges are elected by qualified electors in district-wide elections on a non-partisan ballot every four years. Magistrates are appointed by a District Magistrate Commission. After initial appointment to a two-year term, a Magistrate may be re-elected on a retention ballot to a four-year term. Latah County has two resident Judges, one District and one Magistrate. The District Judge has original jurisdiction in all cases and proceedings; in the issuance of writs of mandamus, certiorari, prohibition, habeas corpus and all writs necessary to the exercise of his/her powers; appellate jurisdiction extends to all cases assigned to the Magistrate's division of the District Court and to all other matters and cases where an appeal is allowed by law. The Magistrate Judge is responsible for infractions/trials, misdemeanors/trials, small claims court, felony probable-cause hearings/felony preliminary hearings, divorce proceedings, domestic violence hearings and is granted jurisdiction in civil proceedings where the amount in controversy does not exceed $10,000. Both District Judge and Magistrate Judge conduct jury trials; each issues subpoenas, warrants of arrest and each hears probation violation matters.

Visit the Local Court Assistance Office or State Court Assistance Office web page for public self-help access to legal information.

Information Regarding Cases of Interest

To access other court documents on these cases, please visit the Cases of Interest webpage on the Idaho Supreme Court's website

Upcoming Proceedings

  • Proceedings

Ticket Information

  • Payment Info

    Any person charged with an infraction by a citation may enter an admission by paying the total amount due either in person at the Clerk's Office or by mail to:

    Latah County District Court
    522 S Adams St.
    Suite 119
    Moscow, ID 83843

    Make checks payable to: District Court

  • Online Payment Info

    Ticket payments can be made online in the Online Payment Portal

  • Dispute

    If the person charged wishes to deny the offense, they may do so either by checking the “not guilty” box on the reverse side of the citation and mailing it to the above address so it arrives no later than the appearance date, telephoning the Clerk's Office at (208) 883-2255 and entering their denial over the phone, or by stopping by the Clerk's Office at 522 South Adams and denying the charge. The clerk will then set a trial date and provide written notice to the defendant and the prosecutor.

  • Parking Tickets

    All parking tickets issued by the City of Moscow are paid at the Moscow Police Department.

  • Additional Questions

    Please call the Clerk's Office if you have questions.

  • Our Services

    • Court Document Processing and Retention
    • Clerk Services for Court Proceedings
    • Accounting
    • Juror Management
    • Jury Service Information
    • Appeal Records Preparation

    Forms and Files

    • Forms